Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gay athletes

As an recreational athlete, the issue of homosexuality in sport has always been an interest of mine. In many ways, homosexual innuendo prevades all sorts of athletes. Of course there are the glittered figure skaters, lycra clad bicylists and flexible gymnasts that are the brunt of many "that's so gay" comments. What makes the post-game showering of team sports, the anything-goes grappling of ultimate fighting, and the heaving scrums of rugby any more macho than a cyclist peddling up 200kms of mountain, or a gymnast doing a iron cross on the rings? Maybe it has something to do with missing teeth... There are so many reasons that we could discuss, but I'm just hear to sum up some news.
(I'd really love to discuss the topic more, but it would be easier to have tea and discuss/debate another time, just e-mail me.)

The Football Association in England (that's soccer in N. America) recently attempted to create an anti-homophobia video to combat bigotry in the sport (homophobic slurs from spectators are commonplace during games). Despite this, not a single player has put himself forward as a spokesperson for the video. The German football association has also stepped forward in support of this movement, offering full support to any players who wished to come out.

Meanwhile in the United States, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which oversees many different sports at the university level, is under fire for publishing advertisements for the anti-gay group, Focus on the Family. You can join the fun and sign a petition to get the NCAA to stop promoting Focus on the Family. Some may argue that sexuality has no place in sport; however, we could also say that an athlete should feel comfortable to achieve his/her best regardless of sexuality. How can one develop in a system that doesn't accept you?

The Petition:
More Info:

With the Olympics going on in Vancouver, the ugly face of homophobia is also showing up. I don't think it surprises anyone to hear much of it directed toward men's figure skating. A number of commentators have said homophobic comments about one particular skater, Johnny Weir. One example is Claude Mailhot and Alain Goldberg from RDS channel, who questioned Weirs gender and made other inappropriate comments. The broadcasters are being threatened with legal action by the Quebec Council of Gays and Lesbians.