Thursday, March 25, 2010

School News

Is it the role of our education system to uphold so-called "moral" standards on the student body, or should our schools be opening, places of education and learning, regardless of sexuality, gender identity, race, etc?
Here are some event that have affected the schools at various levels.

The administration at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Mississippi has decided to cancel senior prom instead of allowing Constance McMillen, a highschool student, to bring a same-sex date to the prom.

Virginia's attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, has dismayed students and faculty at universities and colleges in Virginia by telling administrators to remove policies that prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation. I guess this means Ann Coulter can finally speak at a university without committing any hate crimes.

The LGBT centre at the University of California at Davis has been vandalized with homophobic statements. This is just one of many incidents that have been occurring at this traditionally, socially liberal school.,0,2002090.story

On a side note, State Senator Roy Ashburn has admitted to being homosexual. He has a history of voting against gay rights issues, and claims his voting record reflects the will of his constituents.

Are you happy that the Health Care bill has passed in the United States? Not surprisingly, the bill leaves out homosexual people. Here's some more information.

Amidst all the problems with child abuse, the Catholic church has hit another controversy, this time with a little swish. Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His Holiness has been caught arranging with a chorister to have men brought to him for intimate encounters. First we seen porn in Uganda church, now a gay sex ring in the we'll find out Jesus is gay! (Elton John already thinks so).

Next, a gay man has been jailed for 'reckless HIV transmission', the first such case in the UK. The implications of this are multifaceted. How much of the responsibility falls on a potential 'victim' when it comes to HIV transmission?

Lastly, two enlightening stories on the life of homosexuals in China and in Uganda. We're pretty lucky in Vancouver, BC...but we can't stop here!,8599,1969667,00.html

Till the next time,
Chris L

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In the name of god

This time around, the church has done so many things across the globe that I'm going to list them off and add links to the full news article. More to come later...just trying to clear off some of the tabs on my browser.

-Catholic school in Boulder, Colorado (a popular skiing desination) kicks preschooler out of school because the child's parents are lesbians and "live in open disocrd with Catholic teaching".

-Catholic Charities of Washington D.C. will no longer offer health insurance to spouses of new employees. This move coincides with the legalization of same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia, which took effect on March 3rd, and with the announcement that Maryland now recognize gay marriages performed out of state (though, doesn't perform same-sex marriages itself).This decision follows closely with the Catholic Charitie's decision to hand off foster care services to the National Center for Children and Families rather than confront rules that allow gay foster parents. Note, the Catholic Charities have received 22million dollars in funding from the District of Columbia in the past year.

-The Sint-Jan Catholic church in the city of 's-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) refused communion to an openly gay man. The Netherlands was a the first country to adopt gay marriage (2001). Gay rights activists staged a protest at Mass the following week. In preparation, the church decided not to give anyone communion that day.

-I actually this piece of news months ago, but it recently resurfaced and spread rapidly. A Ugandan pastor has been showing gay porn during sermons in an anti-gay campaign. I'm not sure how he got the porn, but I definitely think he's going to get unexpected results. Church attendance by sinful homosexuals has probably been on the rise. Additionally, I suspect the latent homosexual tendencies of church go'ers are now getting a little stimulation from Sunday congregation.